“My running experience has been: Marathon, ½ Marathon, 10K, 5K, Mountain train runs, Sprint and Olympic distance Triathlons, Crossfit endurance workouts. In early spring of 2011 I attended a Clinic by Tracy Peal and Jason Rita. They had us all run individually while they filmed us. Afterwards they reviewed each of us individually and made comments on what we could do to adjust into the Pose style. I was appalled at my running on film. I was heel striking, my front leg was reaching out, my hips were much too flexed forward, my trailing leg was pushing off, and finely I was spending way to much time on the ground. It was ugly! We spent the remainder of the clinic doing drills and Tracy explained certain points we should focus on. Then we all ran for video again. I was much improved and had a much better understanding of drills and how it should feel to run in the Pose. I practiced through out the summer. My running times for Crossfit really improved. Not just in the short CrossFit distances (400m, 800m and 1600m) but also in local 5K and 10k races. I realized that I was no longer feeling feel beat up or fatigued after running. In November 2011, I attended my 2nd clinic with Tracy and Jason and was shocked at how much my Pose running has improved. I had still had a trailing leg issue but they were able to quickly explain to me how to correct this flaw in my form. I had increased my speed & stride just in correcting my form, not by putting out more muscular effort. And this improvement hasn’t come from spending hours just running. All I do is practice the drills and 400 to 800 meter runs. But in a recent 5k where I had a 58 second PR, a friend who ran next to me most of the time said that he was amazed by how relaxed I looked and that it seemed like I wasn’t even pushing myself. And at the end of the race I felt like I could have just kept on running forever. Thanks for breaking down the Pose Method into bites that are easy to understand and follow. I will continue the Pose Method of running, do drills and seek out coaching from you in the future. Best Regards.”